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Canadian Gpa

Calculating Canadian GPA: A Comprehensive Guide

Understanding Canadian University Grading System

The Canadian education system follows a distinct grading system that differs from many countries worldwide. The Canadian GPA, or grade point average, is calculated differently depending on the university and province.

12-Point and 9-Point Systems

Most Canadian universities use a 12-point grading system, where grades from A+ to F correspond to numerical values ranging from 4.0 to 0.0. Some universities also employ a 9-point system, where grades are assigned values between 1.0 and 9.0.

Using a GPA Calculator

To accurately convert your Canadian grades to other GPA scales, such as the US GPA scale, it is recommended to use a reliable GPA calculator like the one provided on our website. This calculator supports GPA conversion for over 50 Canadian universities, making it easy to determine your GPA equivalent.

International Grade Comparisons

Our comprehensive guide also includes information on international grade comparisons. This allows students to understand how their Canadian GPA might compare to grades in other countries.


Understanding the Canadian GPA system is crucial for students who plan to study in Canada or pursue further education abroad. Our easy-to-use international GPA calculator and comprehensive guide provide students with the necessary tools to convert their Canadian grades and make informed decisions about their academic future. By leveraging these resources, students can confidently navigate the complex world of GPA conversions and achieve their educational goals.
